Features can be subdivided until there is only one dimension left, and features can no longer be subdivided. A dimension can be further subdivided into different states, such as brightness. The lights in my room are only on and off. In this case, the brightness has only two states, 0 lumens executive email list and 1000 lumens. But my desk lamp can adjust many gears, and there are many states of brightness, and the more states, the more controls are required. 3 characteristics of the function The function executive email list has three characteristics: boundary, continuity, and change direction. 1. Boundary Boundaryness can be divided into three cases: no boundary, single boundary, and double boundary according to the number of states. (1) Boundless
Boundless functionality with an infinite number of states. For example, from negative infinity to positive infinity in mathematics, after there is a time machine, choose a date that executive email list travels through time, a certain day in the past, a certain day in the future, if you can. (2) Single boundary For single-boundary functions, the number of states is also infinite, but there is a minimum value. For example: sound frequency (minimum frequency is 0), loudness (minimum loudness is 0), executive email list brightness (minimum brightness is 0), temperature (minimum temperature, -273.15°C), speed (from 0 to infinity, the limit is the speed of light,
But it can be regarded as a single-boundary case) (3) Double border The function of the double boundary, the number of states is limited (in fact, strictly speaking, it is infinite). For example: transparency change, 0~100%, rgb color value. Boundary of Actual Media Function: In most cases, it is because of the nature of people, or the level of science and technology or actual needs. What executive email list we control is a range of dimensions, not the entire dimension. Even if it is a single boundary or no boundary, we only select a part of the area as a function. For example, brightness is a function of a single boundary, but the maximum brightness of our lamps will be xx lumens. The volume is also a single-boundary function, executive email list but no matter how loud the phone is, it will not be louder than the car horn. According to actual needs, we will control the volume within a suitable range.